Shirt reprints
We’re reprinting a few of our popular shirts. Get ’em while they’re hot!

We’re reprinting a few of our popular shirts. Get ’em while they’re hot!
Our buds in Propagandhi teamed up with War on Women to cover I am a Rifle in tribute to Todd. It’s on Bandcamp and Itunes. Any profits from this download will be donated to the Unistoten Camp and The Wildlife … Continued
We’re expecting to have CDs and LPs this week, shirts next week. Sooo…if you’ve pre-ordered off our website or IndieGogo, and have changed your address in the last 4 months, please write to, subject line “address update”. Hope you … Continued
Justin Ludwig and his crew from Coastal Frequencies put together some live and interview footage. It’s hosted over at Thanks Justin!
Order by clicking CONSUME above or… Pick it up at Red Cat Records 4332 Main St. Vancouver Zulu Records 1972 West 4th Ave, Vancouver